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District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC) are recognized by the School Act and represent the collective views of school Parents’ Advisory Councils (PAC) in a school district (BCCPAC). In School District No.48 (Sea to Sky), DPAC provides a vehicle of communication between individual school PACs, advocates for parental involvement in the education system, and provides funds to support parent education.


Our Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) and the district-wide DPAC put in countless hours throughout the school year. They provide support for their school communities by organizing events and initiatives and sharing resources for students, teachers, and parents. Visit your child(ren)'s school website for more information about their school's PAC.

dividerDPAC Constitution:
dividerSD48 DPAC Executives:

Chair: Nicole McRae
Vice Chair: Gina Frank
Secretary: Sarah Hryciw
Treasurer:  Anna Le Good
BCCPAC Rep: Jolene Andrew 
Past Chair: Margo Vaughan
Contact us: [email protected]

divider2023/2024 DPAC Meeting Dates:

October 16, 2023, at 6 PM - School Board Office
December 18, 2023, at 6 PM - Zoom 
February 20, 2024, at 6 PM - Zoom 
April 22, 2024, at 6 PM - Whistler 
May 13, 2024, at 6 PM - Pemberton


Resources & Useful Links:


Policy 106 Navigating Concerns Within the District
Expressions of concern regarding school district matters such as employee conduct, resource materials used, or a student’s learning are welcome. Click on the diagram to find out how to navigate the appropriate steps to raise a concern within the district.Navigating District Concerns

BCCPAC-BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Council-The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC), is a registered non-profit and non-partisan charity, that represents the parents of 565,000 children attending public schools. As the provincially mandated voice of parents in public schools, they engage, empower and support parents for the success of all learners through collaboration, partnership and education, in a culture of acceptance, inclusion and equity. BCCPAC are governed by a volunteer board of directors elected annually by the membership which consists of District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC), and Parent Advisory Councils (PAC).


BCSTA-The British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA) serves and supports our members, BC’s boards of education, in their key work of improving student achievement. At the local level BCSTA provides professional development, legal counsel and communications. Provincially, our non-profit Association acts as board’s strong, unified voice in advocating for government, other education partners, and the public on public education matters.
